It is currently Wed Mar 12, 2025 3:52 am

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(Clicking the # after a rule will highlight that rule.)

  1. General
  2. Posting
  3. Security and Privacy
  4. Consequences of Breaking Rules


Community Rules

  1. General

    1. These forums exist for the benefit of users and the general public. Be aware that most of what is posted here will be indexed by search engines such as Google. Maintain a level of decorum and respect for others when using these forums. #
    2. Spam is not tolerated here under any circumstances. This includes self promotion and unauthorised advertising, through posts, signatures, avatars and other means. #
    3. Personal attacks will not be tolerated, whether through posts, private messaging, e-mails, or otherwise. #
  2. Posting

    1. Posts should be made in the correct forum. Read the forum descriptions before posting. #
    2. All posts should be in English, as this is an English speaking community. #
    3. The tone of posts should be conversational. Do not use excessive numbers of emoticons, graphics, colored or different sized text, links to other sites, etc. Use appropriate punctuation where applicable, and avoid SHOUTING. #
    4. Be aware that users of Aviaddicts may be of any age group. Do not post pornographic or other offensive material including text, images, videos, links, etc. This also includes posting bad and offensive language. #
    5. Respect the copyright of others when posting material. Be aware of the copyright status of text, images, videos, etc. before posting them or attaching them to posts. #
  3. Security and Privacy

    1. Access to some groups is based on place of employment. These groups are generally not made public, and so access to the group is limited to users only after verification of their identity. Users should therefore keep their passwords and login details private, so that others cannot gain access to possibly private information. #
    2. Aviaddicts accepts no resposibility or liability for any private information that may be distributed by individuals in contravention of employer's rules. While we do restrict such information in certain forums to those with the right to see and use it, it is up to users to ensure they post information to the correct forums and that they do not share private information outside of Aviaddicts. #
    3. Should you find yourself with access to Aviaddicts that you could reasonably expect you are not entitled to, please inform Aviaddicts immediately. Do not attempt to access any areas for which you do not or should not have access. #
  4. Consequences of Breaking Rules

    1. In order to maintain the integrity of the Aviaddicts forums, users who do not obey the forum rules or who otherwise abuse their rights will be issued a warning or have their account suspended or terminated. Warnings are kept on file against users, and an accumulation of warnings will also result in account suspension or termination. Any change to a users' account status will be applied across the whole of the Aviaddicts site. The penalty that will be applied on any given occasion is purely at the discretion of Aviaddicts. #
    2. Any posts or uploaded files or attachments that are not within the rules can be deleted at the discretion of Aviaddicts. This also applies to images and links that Aviaddicts deems, for whatever reason, to be in contravention of the rules or not within the spirit of the Aviaddicts site in general. #

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