A | ABN | Aerodrome Beacon
AL | Approach Lights
ALSF-1 | Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights configuration 1
ALSF-2 | Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights configuration 2
AT-VASIS | Abbreviated (single sided) VASI
C | CALVERT I/ICAO-1 HIALS | ICAO-compliant configuration 1 High Intensity Approach Lighting System
CALVERT II/ICAO-2 HIALS | ICAO-compliant configuration 2 High Intensity Approach Lighting System
CL | Centreline Lighting
F | FDL | Fixed Distance Lighting
H | HIALS | High Intensity Approach Lighting System
HIOL | High Intensity Obstacle Lights
HIRL | High Intensity Runway Lights
HRCLL | High Intensity Runway Centreline Lights
HREDL | High Intensity Runway Edge Lights
HSL | Hold Short Lights
L | LDIN | Lead-in Lighting
LIOL | Low Intensity Obstacle Lights
LIRL | Low Intensity Runway Lights
M | MALSF | Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing lights
MALSR | Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
MIOL | Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights
MIRL | Medium Intensity Runway Lights
O | ODALS | Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System
P | PAL | Pilot Activated Lighting
PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator
PTBL | Portable Lights
R | RAIL | Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
RCGL | Runway Circling Guidance Lights
RCL | Runway Centreline
RCLL | Runway Centreline Lights
REDL | Runway Edge Lights
REIL | Runway End Identification Lights
RETIL | Rapid Exit Taxiway Indicator Lights
RGL | Runway Guard Lights
RLLS | Runway Lead-in Lighting
RTIL | Runway Threshold Identification Lights
RTZL | Runway Touchdown Zone Lights
S | SALS | Simple Approach Lighting System
SFL | Sequenced Flashing Lights
SSALF | Simplified Short Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights
SSALR | Simplified Short Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
SSALS | Simplified Short Approach Lighting System
STWL | Stopway Lights
T | TDZ | Touchdown Zone
V | VASI | Visual Approach Slope Indicator