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Wiki Style

Try to format your pages in a similar manner to other pages on Aviaddicts, so that we can maintain a consistent look in each wiki. Check the help wiki for more information on syntax and other topics.

Page names and headings

Pages should be named in a manner that describes the page content. The page name is the filename for that page.

A page heading should be defined for each page by creating a level 1 heading on the first line of the page (eg. +My Page Heading). The page heading is displayed in searches whenever it is defined in place of the page name. Page headings and page names need not be the same, although they often are.

Use of aliases

Aliases are used to make the page easier to find when doing a search and using the go to button. Aviaddicts looks for pages with the desired page name, page heading or alias. Aliases are defined using the variable {{ALIASES: ...}}.

Use of categories

The {{CATEGORIES:}} variable should be placed at the foot of the page. Categories group similar pages together, making related information easier to find. The wiki name is always listed as a category, even when no other categories are defined. Try to use categories that already exist in this wiki, however if you need to start a new category, don't hesitate to do so. You can assign a page to several categories, and they should be listed in alphabetical order.

Page template

You can copy and paste this template when editing your page so that it is consistent with the style used in other pages.

+Page Heading (Title Case, Excluding Prepositions and Conjunctions)
{{ALIASES: comma separated list of aliases}}

General description of this topic.

++Section heading (sentence case)
Section text.

=See also: Links to other pages relevant to this section=

++Section heading (sentence case)
Section text.

+++Sub heading
Section text.

A list of references, one per line.

{{CATEGORIES: comma separated list of categories}}