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Airworthiness and Equipment of Aircraft
Issue, renewal, etc., of certificates of airworthiness
An aircraft operating in public transport must have a valid C of A. This shall specify the appropriate categories as per Schedule 3. The C of A remains valid only if maintenance work is performed in an approved manner using approved parts. It is invalid after equipment overhaul, repair, modification, removal or replacement until completion of any required airworthiness inspections.
Certificate of maintenance review
A CMR is required for an aircraft in the transport or aerial work categories and specifies the last and next maintenance review dates. The validity must cover the intended flight, otherwise 2 CMRs are required. A copy of the CMR must be carried on any flight external to Hong Kong. CMRs must be retained for 2 years after issue.
Technical log
Minimum entries are flight time, defects, and information specified by the CAD. These records are later transferred to the appropriate log book (engine or aircaft). Entries may be made at the end of a series of flights (by the same commander) as long as defects are not found earlier.
Inspection, overhaul, repair, replacement and modification
A certificate of release to service (CRS) is a document (within the technical log or on work cards) signed by the engineer after maintenance and required before re-entering service. The aircraft can be accepted without a CRS after maintenance if an engineer is not available, and the commander must then submit a report to the CAD within 10 days. An ATPL holder may only issue a CRS for the adjustment and compensation of a magnetic compass.
Equipment of aircraft
Schedule 5 states required equipment. A briefing card describing the location and use of emergency equipment is required for every passenger, or may be allowed on a single prominent placard.
Radio equipment of aircraft
Schedule 15 specifies required ground based equipment. Schedule 6 specifies aircraft equipment.
Aircraft, engine and propellor log books
One logbook is required for each engine (including the APU) and the aircraft. Logbooks must be kept for 2 years after the aircraft, engine or propellor has been destroyed or permanently withdrawn from use.
Aircraft weight schedule
Aircraft require a weight schedule containing the basic weight and centre of gravity. The weight schedule must be maintained up to 6 months after the next time the aircraft is weighed.
- AN(HK)O Part III