Landing Gear Control and Interface Unit
Also from: LGCIU
There are 2 LGCIUs. The 2 green triangles on the WHEEL page for each landing gear take their inputs from each LGCIU. A red triangle indicates the gear is in transit. No triangle indicates the gear is up and locked. Only 1 green triangle in a pair is required to indicate the gear is down and locked.
- electrically signal gear and door actuators
- process gear and door positions
- sequence control and gear lever selection
- provide information to ECAM
- provide ground/flight signals to aircraft systems
Each LGCIU controls a complete gear cycle, and switches over automatically at each retraction or in case of failure.
The gear position indications on the centre panel are always provided by an independent downlock logic in LGCIU 1.
If both LGCIUs fail, gear indicators are replaced by XX. In this case, some users see flight condition, and some users see ground condition. Inop systems are thrust reverse, nose wheel steering, GPWS (due to LGCIU 1 failure), and CAT 3 Dual. A gravity extension may be required.