- priority MW autoland is capable
- autoland 2 is not available
- autoland is engaged through the MCDU
- AP engaged
- yaw damper engaged
- GS mode armed or active
- both radio altimeters are correct and > 800'
- AFCS dual couple arm is set
- minimums on both PFDs are RA
- both minimums correctly set or off
- autoland 1 is armed
- both radio altimeters are correct and 800' - 1500'
- dual couple active mode set
- flap 5
- autoland 1 mode not capable
- tune/test inhibit on NAV radio not set
- flap not 5
- AP, yaw damper, or parallel rudder servos disconnect
- TOGA pushed
- FD takeoff, go around, or windshear mode is active
- dual couple mode not active
Mode | Activation
FLARE | GS active mode, autoland mode engaged, 50' RA
D-ROT | RLOUT mode engaged, RA < 3' and WOW
ALIGN | LOC active roll mode, autoland mode engaged, 150' RA
RLOUT | RA < 3', WOW
Categories: Embraer 170/190 | Automatic Flight