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Also from: Navigation Display

If the ND temperature exceeds a threshold, the weather radar will not display to limit power consumption. A further increase will cut off power to the DU.

Plan mode

Orientated towards true north.


VOR pointers are white, ADF pointers are green. An M beside the navaid information indicates they have been manually tuned by the pilots through the MCDU, an R is manual tuning through the RMP, and the identifier name is displayed in large font on the RADIO NAV page of the MCDU.

Terrain information

If terrain information from the EGPWS is switched on, it takes precedence over weather radar.

Waypoint information

The information displayed is track to the next waypoint, distance to run, and estimated time of arrival.

Wind indication

The digital wind direction is °T, while the analog arrow is °M.

Categories: Airbus A330 | Indicating/Recording Systems | EFIS

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